The “Sea of green” method of growing is the concept of having a lot of plants packed into a small space. Meaning 4(four) to 6(six) plants per square foot. Instead of just growing 1(one) plant per square foot. The S.O.G. technique will give a grower higher quality end product due to the plants are short and compact. In turn the plant puts all the energy into flowering instead of growing 1st; then flowering after. Typically a grower can yield more high quality buds and overall weight, when using the S.O.G. technique. Instead of just growing 1(one) single plant per square foot.
When using the S.O.G. technique, cloning is the best option for this method. The “Art of Cloning” should be read if you haven’t already read the section. (You can reference this info and read about it in the“Keys to Success” section labeled “The Art of Cloning”.) Usually the cloning time is 2-3 weeks. Aeroponic cloning is the fastest and “BEST” way to clone your plants. The idea is to clone the plants, then after they root completely with plenty of roots. The plants get transplanted into their new home such as clay pellets, rock wool, coco fiber, Aeroponics or D.W.C (deep water cultivation) mediums. Once the plants have been transplanted to their new homes, the light needs to be changed to 12(twelve) hours on and 12(twelve) hours off using a timer. High pressure sodium bulbs are the best choice for flowering. Because they give off more orange and red lighting, then blue light. Lighting is a whole other subject that was talked about earlier. Which should be read, due to it’s significant importance. (Reference “Lighting” in the section “Keys to Success”).
Our plants will grow taller still in their flowering light schedule cycle that we just switched them over to. So still be prepared for this. (Such as having a trellis to hold the heavy buds that we will see later on our plants). A trellis should be used, because when using “TNT Nutrients” buds will get too “HEAVY” and “BIG” for the plant to support the weight on their own. The nutrients that will be using now is TNT Nutrients “CLASSIC BLOOM” part A & B. We will start our dosage at 3 ml. per gallon of each part A & B of “CLASSIC BLOOM.” Plus we will add 1 ml. per gallon of TNT Nutrients “CAL-MAG XL” to our reservoir also. The 1st. and 2nd. week of flowering is our transition phase into the flowering cycle. Flowering will start to appear and show in 2-3(two-three) weeks of flowering. We want to let our plants grow for 2-3(two-three) weeks “WITH OUT” pruning our plants. Just let them grow taller and establish themselves in their new homes. Once we are 3(three) weeks into flowering then that’s when we start to prune our plants. (Just as we start to see flowers form). We will “NOW” remove all of the lower side shoots (nodes) from the plant. The idea is to remove the growth shoots (nodes), so we don’t get any flowering sites down low on the bottom canopy of the plant. Every growth shoot (node) that is below the 4th internode from the top should be removed. While keeping “EVERY” single big fan leaf on the plant still. Do “NOT” remove fan leaves, fan leaves are very important to keep. Because the plant uses fan leaves as their primary source for photosynthesis. Once all the lower growth shoots are removed, the plant is now forced to put all of it’s energy into forming buds at the top of the plant. Which will yield denser and more higher quality buds, and “THAT’S WHAT WE WANT!!”
Keep following the feed chart dosages and nutrient change outs until harvest. “Crop Flushing” should be done 7-10 days before your harvest date. (“Crop Flushing” can be referenced in the “Keys To Success” section). Sticking to the feed charts and remember to pH as stated will yield exceptional results. ***Make sure to pH 2(two) times a day, and do the nutrient change outs once a week. ***
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