Mixing Nutrients Correctly:
There is a correct way of mixing nutrients in a nutrient tank. The 1st. step is to make sure your measuring device is clean. Next measure out the recommended dosage of nutrients to be added to the reservoir. It’s a good practice to measure out all of the different nutrients and supplements that will be added to the reservoir. Multiple measuring devices are ideal, that way every nutrient is pre measured to the exact dosage before you start to add them to the reservoir. Always keep the nutrients that are measured out separate from one another. Never mix nutrients together in their concentrated form. This will lead to precipitation. Meaning the nutrients will start to lock up and form insoluble substances. Which in turn will make the nutrients useless. So always keep them separate from one another. If you don’t have multiple measuring devices, then measure out each nutrient separately one at a time. “MAKE SURE TO RINSE OUT THE MEASURING DEVICE BETWEEN ADDING EACH NEW NUTRIENTS OR SUPPLEMENTS” THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! Because the left over nutrient film could cause precipitation from adding the next nutrient if it’s not clean” So be sure to clean ALL measuring devices with fresh water in between measuring dosages of nutrients.
Once you have your nutrients all measured out, now it’s time to add them into your nutrient reservoir tank. Start by adding your clean reverse osmosis water to the reservoir. Fill the reservoir to roughly a third full then start by adding your 1st. nutrients into the nutrient reservoir. We always want to pour slow to let the nutrients disperse evenly into the water. We are going to talk about using grow nutrients for this example. Start by pouring your measured out dosage of “TNT Nutrients CLASSIC GROW part A” When you finished pouring all of it out into the reservoir. Use the clean water that you are filling your reservoir with to wash the measuring device out by rinsing the measuring device and letting the left over nutrients flow into the reservoir tank. The clean water should be running still as we are moving on towards the next nutrients to be added and so on. Now we are ready to add “TNT Nutrients CLASSIC GROW part B.” Pour slowly into the nutrient reservoir while still adding the clean water at the same time. Rinse out measuring device by using clean water to fill the measuring device with clean water and pour left over into reservoir. Repeat a couple of times to clean measuring device. When using “TNT Nutrients CAL-MAG XL” with your grow, this is when you should add the supplement into the reservoir. TNT Nutrients “SUPER SILICA” should be used during vegetative growth also. When adding “SUPER SILICA” pour “SLOWER” then any other nutrients that you add. Due to the risk of precipitation that could occur if it’s poured too quickly. Use the clean water to help disperse the nutrients evenly. “ALWAYS USE “SUPER SILICA” AS THE LAST NUTRIENTS ADDED TO YOUR RESERVOIR.”
Now that we have put all our nutrients into the reservoir, it’s time to pH the nutrient solution. Use your pH meter to read the pH. You will notice if you used all of the TNT Nutrients products as described that your pH will be very alkaline. We need to bring the pH down to between 5.8-6.2 pH. We recommend that you keep your pH at 6.0. Start by adding “TNT Nutrients pH DOWN” by a few milliliters at a time until you get the feel for how concentrated the pH adjusters are. We recommend using glass dram drip bottles for adding “TNT Nutrients pH UP and pH DOWN” to your nutrient solution. ***RULE OF THUMB: THE MORE CONCENTRATED THE NUTRIENT SOLUTION IS, THE MORE pH ADJUSTER WILL BE NEEDED***
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