How to Sprout Seeds:
Sprouting seeds is an easy task that if done as stated you should have a very high success rate. When sprouting seeds the main thing you want to do is “Be “GENTLY” and work “SLOW”, especially when it’s time to take the seeds that already sprouted and place them into their new home.
The 1st. technique is the paper towel technique. This is done by wetting a paper towel with reverse osmosis water. Making sure the paper towel is completely wet, but “NOT” dripping wet. After that is done, we want to place our seeds in the center of the paper towel. Place each seed about 2 inches apart from each other. (Giving plenty of room for each seed to “NOT” grow into each other). Gentle fold the paper towel in half so the seeds rest in the crease of the folded paper towel. Fold the paper towel again the opposite direction now and place it into a sandwich ziplock bag. Close the ziplock bag about 3/4 of the way and blow into the bag like your blowing up a balloon. Blow up the bag fully and start to seal the ziplock as your still blowing out air to make the bag as full as possible with air. Then seal it fast to keep the air inside the bag.
Now place the bag in a dark room where the temperature is 70-80 degree’s for 3-7(three-seven) days or until the seed sprouts reach 3-4 inches in length. Don’t open the paper towel until at least 3 full days. Opening the paper towel too often isn’t good for the seeds. Plus you don’t want to loose the humidity that’s inside the bag. So wait at least 3 days until you open it. Ideally wait until 5 days to open the bag. You can see the seeds through the plastic, so try to judge the length of the sprout through the plastic instead of opening the paper towel to check. Usually you can see the green sprout leaves to indicate it’s time to remove them. Once the seeds have sprouted to 3-4(three-four) inches, it’s time to remove them from the paper towel.
This stage is the “Most Vulnerable” time for our plants. We must take “Extreme Caution” when handling the sprouted seeds or we take the risk of killing them before they even have a chance to grow.
Now open the bag and remove the paper towel. Next “Slowly and Gently” unfold the paper towel. The last unfold is the riskiest stage. (When we are opening the paper towel to expose the sprouted seeds). Make sure to go “VERY SLOW and GENTLY” as we unfold the paper towel. Sometimes the sprouted seeds have grown into the folded paper towel and can break the single root off, if pulled too hard. This would be bad, that what we “Don’t Want To Do.” Once we have completely opened the paper towel carefully. We take each sprouted seed and place them into our grow plugs, rock wool, aeroponic system or what ever medium that is our preferred choice of grow mediums.
Sprouted seeds should be feed TNT Nutrients “CLASSIC GROW” by dosing the solution to “ONLY” 1 ml. of each part A & B per gallon of water. Then pH the nutrient solution to 6.0 and run this dosage for 1 week. Lighting should be at 18(eighteen) hours on and 6(six) hours off. The ideal lighting is high output florescent bulbs. With a kelvin rating of 6500. This is the blue light spectrum that is preferred for cloning and (veg.) growing at early stages of growth. (More info regarding lighting can be found at “Keys to Success” section then click “Lighting”). After the 1st. week we drain the the nutrient reservoir and use again 1 ml. of both A & B of “CLASSIC GROW” for the 2nd week. Then on week 3(three) increase the dosage to 2(two) ml. per gallon of water for both A & B of “CLASSIC GROW.” Next you can follow the feed chart starting with week 1(one) all the way until harvest. (For more Information regarding Feed charts, they can be found at “Feed Charts Info”. To download feed charts click on any feed chart to open then save image. Feed charts are also available on the homepage).
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